Category: School
Category: School events

Learn to make jewellery at SquarePeg Studios 2023
SquarePeg Studios presents workshops and interactive events from their Marrickville studio exploring jewellery making as...

Spankie Jackzon - Just The Tip 2023
The outrageously entertaining debut one-woman show from Australia's Drag Superstar comes to Sydney Fringe...

Flabbergasters 2023
Amaze the whole family with mind-boggling magic and superhuman stunts by the Flabbergasters!...

Awestruck - A Celebration of Nature and Beauty 2023
Iris endeavours to honour nature and beauty, and to bring joy through her artwork. Living in Bondi, she loves to walk an...

Badge Making 2023
This school holidays, join The Rocks Discovery Museum for a fun-filled afternoon of badge making while learning about lo...

Free Mock Selective Test Day for Y4 and 5 students 2023
Get a free assessment of your child's Reading, Mathematical Reasoning and Thinking Skills for the Selective School Placement Test.

Free Mock OC Test Day for Year 2 and 3 students 2023
Is your child preparing for the Opportunity Class? Receive a free assessment of your child's OC exam readiness.
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