Category: Theatre and Dance
Category: Theatre and Dance events

Alice - A Journey Through Wonderland 2022
Led by a befuddled and busy white rabbit, Alice Liddel stumbles upon a world like none she's seen before. Wonderland is ...

Ulster American 2022
Following Outhouse Theatre Co's smash hit run in 2021, Riverside Theatres will present David Ireland's provocative and brutally funny, Ulster American, from 8th to 11th June

Sexual Misconduct of the Middle Classes 2022
The Sydney premiere of the critically acclaimed work by renowned playwright Hannah Moscovitch

Burlsque at the Bowls 2022
The Sugar Showgirls are shimmying on over to Bacchus Marsh to share their decadent brand of burlesque, dance and cabaret with you!

The Big Tease Soiree 2022
The Australian Burlesque Festival presents The Big Tease Soiree, showcasing some of the best Australian and international burlesque performers

Brett Blake - Smoko King 2022
Professional shit kicker Brett Blake has had and lost every job under the sun.
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