when: 30 January 2020 - 02 February 2020 | venue: Blacktown International Sportspark Sydney | cost: Free-$45 | address: Eastern Rd, Rooty Hill | website: https://www.facebook.com/events/blacktown-international-sportspark-sydney/2020-australia-pacific-cup/399388064081949/
published: 31 Jan 2020, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
This world-class, international event will showcase some of the best softball players in the world, from Australia, Japan, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand and Chinese Taipei.
From Thursday 30th January - Sunday 2nd of February 2020, Blacktown International Sportspark will be hosting the 2020 AP Cup.
The four days will showcase some incredible talent as well as featuring family fun - this is an event not to be missed.
Through the 2020 AP Cup, softball is leading the way in creating world-class sporting events that bring together communities to make a change and inspiring all children to see the benefits of being involved in sport.
The 2020 AP Cup provides an opportunity to continue a recent boom in women's softball throughout the region.
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This world-class, international event will showcase some of the best softball players in the world, from Australia, Japan, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand and Chinese Taipei.
From Thursday 30th January - Sunday 2nd of February 2020, Blacktown International Sportspark will be hosting the 2020 AP Cup.
The four days will showcase some incredible talent as well as featuring family fun - this is an event not to be missed.
Through the 2020 AP Cup, softball is leading the way in creating world-class sporting events that bring together communities to make a change and inspiring all children to see the benefits of being involved in sport.
The 2020 AP Cup provides an opportunity to continue a recent boom in women's softball throughout the region.
Go see 2020 Australia Pacific Cup.

2020 Australia Pacific Cup is on 30 January 2020 - 02 February 2020. The opening hours are: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Conveniently located in Sydney. Visit their website at https://www.facebook.com/events/blacktown-international-sportspark-sydney/2020-australia-pacific-cup/399388064081949/.
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