2020 Sydney North Volleyball Men's Representative Team Trials

when: 18 February 2020 | venue: Sydney Olympic Park Sports Halls | cost: $18 - $45 | address: Grand Parade | website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-sydney-north-volleyball-mens-representative-team-trials-registration-91728072133?aff=efbneb

published: 02 Feb 2020, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.



SNV is looking for players to join our representative teams for the Sydney Volleyball League.

In 2020 SNV is seeking players for at least 3 men's divisions in the new format SVL, starting with Premier!

Anticipated coaches are Ian Garrett, Dan Catchpoole & Abubakar Kamara.

  • Thursday, February 13th 7:45 - 10 pm
  • Tuesday, February 18th 7:45 - 10 pm
  • Thursday, February 27th 7:45 - 10 pm

The SNV men's representative program has qualified coaches, team managers, structured training, club uniforms and a calendar of great events.

The season requires players to commit to the following:

  • Weekly training (March - September, twice per week for Premier)
  • Sydney Volleyball League (SVL) (Sundays, May 31st - September 20th)
  • Occasional volleyball roadtrips (3 or 4 weekend tournaments, April - November). These are optional, but heaps of fun and highly recommended

Most trainings and games throughout the season take place at the Sydney Olympic Park. Training days and locations have not yet been confirmed but are likely to be Tuesdays and/or Thursdays.

Sydney North Volleyball is also running representative trials for women and juniors.


Should I come to all the trial sessions or just one?

Yes, the more sessions you attend the more opportunity our coaches will have to see you play! We anticipate making Premier Team offers as soon as possible after the first trial so if you can't be there you will need to get in touch and let us know!

What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?

Sydney Olympic Park Sports Halls has limited 2 hour parking around the venue, with a mix of paid and free options. There is also a train station at Sydney Olympic Park.

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Check out our website at www.snv.org.au or contact us there.

I'm not sure if I want to commit to a representative team. Can I still come along?

The trial sessions are our selection sessions for the volleyball season so we encourage you only to come along if you are considering the SNV representative program. That being said, we understand you may want to meet the club, the coaches and see the other players so do come along and talk to us with any questions you have. If you sign up to trial and then change your mind, please let us know!

Can I update my registration information?

You can edit your registration information up until the night of the event by signing into your eventbrite account.

Go see 2020 Sydney North Volleyball Men's Representative Team Trials.

2020 Sydney North Volleyball Men's Representative Team Trials | What's on in Sydney Olympic Park

2020 Sydney North Volleyball Men's Representative Team Trials is on 18 February 2020. The opening hours are: 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm. Conveniently located in Sydney Olympic Park. Visit their website at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-sydney-north-volleyball-mens-representative-team-trials-registration-91728072133?aff=efbneb.

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Event Details

what: 2020 Sydney North Volleyball Men's Representative Team Trials
when: 18 February 2020
start time/end time: 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
venue: Sydney Olympic Park Sports Halls
address: Grand Parade

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