Campbelltown ParkRun 2020

when: 18 January 2020 - 19 December 2020 | venue: Raby Sports Complex Car Park | cost: Free | address: Hurricane Drive | website:

published: 05 Feb 2020, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Campbelltown Parkrun is a free weekly five kilometre timed run. Registration is essential before you can participate. Once you have registered online just bring a printed copy of your barcode so you can receive a time for your run.

Campbelltown Parkrun is a very popular event. Many run for fitness, to beat a personal best or just for their own enjoyment. Parkrun is for all levels of fitness, everyone runs at their own pace. Afterwards join your newfound friends for a coffee at a local café.

Go see Campbelltown ParkRun 2020.

Campbelltown ParkRun 2020 | What's on in Raby

Campbelltown ParkRun 2020 is on 18 January 2020 - 19 December 2020. The opening hours are: 7:00am to 11:00am. Conveniently located in Raby. Visit their website at

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Event Details

what: Campbelltown ParkRun 2020
when: 18 January 2020 - 19 December 2020
start time/end time: 7:00am to 11:00am
venue: Raby Sports Complex Car Park
city/suburb: Raby NSW

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