when: 04 June 2020 - 04 June 2021 | | cost: Free | website: https://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/digital.html
published: 20 Jul 2020, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
In the free, 10-minute virtual experience, charismatic tour guide Declan takes online audiences on a private tour of the Opera House's backstage spaces. Explore the cavernous scenery dock where up to 20 tonnes of sets and props are loaded onto an industrial theatre lift to the fly tower where up to 80 bars of complex scenery, lights and even performers are suspended over the stage. There's even a peek inside the dressing rooms where renowned prima ballerinas, lead sopranos and stars from the world of contemporary music get ready before the show.
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In the free, 10-minute virtual experience, charismatic tour guide Declan takes online audiences on a private tour of the Opera House's backstage spaces. Explore the cavernous scenery dock where up to 20 tonnes of sets and props are loaded onto an industrial theatre lift to the fly tower where up to 80 bars of complex scenery, lights and even performers are suspended over the stage. There's even a peek inside the dressing rooms where renowned prima ballerinas, lead sopranos and stars from the world of contemporary music get ready before the show.
Go see Digital backstage tour of the Sydney Opera House 2020.

Digital backstage tour of the Sydney Opera House 2020 is on 04 June 2020 - 04 June 2021. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Sydney. Call 02 92507111 for details. Visit their website at https://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/digital.html.
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