Gregory O'Brien Always Song in the Water

when: 20 November 2019 - 21 December 2019 | venue: DarrenKnightGallery | address: 840 Elizabeth St, Waterloo NSW 2017, Australia | website:

published: 20 Nov 2019, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Always song in the water is a book of encounters, not only with the remote north of Aotearoa/New Zealand and the oceanic reality beyond there, but also with the artistic/imaginative life of the antipodes. With creative spirits such as Laurence Aberhart, Noel McKenna, Janet Frame, Ralph Hotere, Robin White, John Pule, Euan Macleod and Fiona Hall as touchstones, O'Brien’s book negotiates a course through some under-explored territories of the South Pacific imagination.

The book begins with a road-trip through Northland (in the company of Sydney artist Noel McKenna) before the author strikes out to Raoul Island on the HMNZS Otago-a few days at sea which leads to some months of travelling the Pacific, from Chile to New Caledonia and back. With his involvement in the Kermadec Art Project as a starting point, O'Brien reflects on the terrestrial and oceanic realities that define those who live in this part of the world. Profusely illustrated with work by many of his fellow-travellers, Always song in the water is a high-spirited, personal account of being alive in this part of the world. 'This is my field notebook, my voyaging logbook,' Gregory O'Brien writes, 'this is my Schubert played on a barrel organ, my whale survey, my songbook.'

Go see Gregory O'Brien Always Song in the Water.

Gregory O'Brien Always Song in the Water | What's on in Waterloo

Gregory O'Brien Always Song in the Water is on 20 November 2019 - 21 December 2019. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Waterloo. Visit their website at

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Event Details

what: Gregory O'Brien Always Song in the Water
when: 20 November 2019 - 21 December 2019
venue: DarrenKnightGallery
city/suburb: Waterloo NSW
All start time/end time: Every day, 10am to 5pm

Wednesday 20 November to Saturday 21 December 2019

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