Karuah River Motorcycle Rally 2020

when: 07 - 09 February 2020 | venue: Karuah River Rally | cost: 25 | address: Chichester State Forest | website: https://www.bmwtcnsw.org.au/club/

published: 05 Feb 2020, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


The BMW Touring Club of NSW (BMW TC NSW) invites you to its Karuah River Rally, a beautiful country cruise featuring New South Wales' best riding roads - sealed and unsealed.

The rally site is about 30 kilometres north of Dungog via Monkerai and Main Creek Roads, between Dungog and Stroud, or the Wangat Trig Road past the Chichester Dam turn off. Directions will be signposted from both these roads (each involves 14 kilometres of dirt). Collect your map at the Bank Hotel Dungog. This rally is for motorcyclists only, cars not permitted unless by prior arrangement.

The BMW TC NSW acknowledges the valuable support of Forests NSW in providing them with the Chichester State Forest campsite.

Go see Karuah River Motorcycle Rally 2020.

Karuah River Motorcycle Rally 2020 | What's on in Martin

Karuah River Motorcycle Rally 2020 is on 07 - 09 February 2020. The opening hours are: 7:00am to 4:00pm. Conveniently located in Martin. Visit their website at https://www.bmwtcnsw.org.au/club/.

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Event Details

what: Karuah River Motorcycle Rally 2020
when: 07 - 09 February 2020
start time/end time: 7:00am to 4:00pm
venue: Karuah River Rally
city/suburb: Martin WA

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