when: 10 - 12 February 2020 | venue: Alumni Lawn East | cost: FREE | address: Gate 14 | website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/o-week-sport-sessions-tickets-90267274849
published: 30 Jan 2020, 5 min read
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About this Event
This O-Week, Arc Sport is here to welcome you to uni with a crash course in a range of different sports. You may be the next footie legend, cricket star or basketball billionaire. Who knows until you try!All fitness levels and sporting experiences are welcome so come along, toss a ball and see what it's all about.
Meet mates, get moving and pick up new skills.
All fitness levels and sporting experiences are welcome so come along, toss a ball and see what it's sport at UNSW is all about.
WHEN | MON 10 FEB & WED 12 FEB, 2-4PM
WHERE | Alumni Lawn East (look for the yellow tent)
WHO | Everyone!
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About this Event
This O-Week, Arc Sport is here to welcome you to uni with a crash course in a range of different sports. You may be the next footie legend, cricket star or basketball billionaire. Who knows until you try!All fitness levels and sporting experiences are welcome so come along, toss a ball and see what it's all about.
Meet mates, get moving and pick up new skills.
All fitness levels and sporting experiences are welcome so come along, toss a ball and see what it's sport at UNSW is all about.
WHEN | MON 10 FEB & WED 12 FEB, 2-4PM
WHERE | Alumni Lawn East (look for the yellow tent)
WHO | Everyone!
Go see O-Week Sport Sessions.

O-Week Sport Sessions is on 10 - 12 February 2020. The opening hours are: 2:00PM to 4:00PM. Conveniently located in Sydney. Visit their website at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/o-week-sport-sessions-tickets-90267274849.
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Event Details
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