Sport for Jove's Summer Season - Old Government House, Parramatta Park 2020

when: 02 February 2020 - 01 March 2020 | venue: Old Government House | address: Pitt and Macquarie Streets | website:

published: 24 Feb 2020, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


This summer they are serving up two of Shakespeare's best-loved classics; Romeo and Juliet and Twelfth Night.

Romeo and Juliet

The existential crisis facing the world today, the product of a lack of practical leadership from the earth's elders, has triggered a deafening chorus of How dare you! screamed from the heart of the planet's youth. What can children teach in their struggle to be heard?

Their Artistic Director Damien Ryan brings a furiously new production of Romeo and Juliet, characterised by a true vision of today's youth - actual teenagers playing the play's children, surrounded by an extraordinary cast of experienced players, will give this production an authenticity and honest rawness, danger and the genuine awkwardness of youth.

Twelfth Night

The Twelfth Night is the last day of the Christmas cycle, a night of madness where the world turns upside down, where grief and joy and laughter and tears are all one. When mere mortals have the power to choose who they are and who they may love. In this rollicking production from director Christopher Stollery, music and mayhem will fill the summer night.

Join them under the stars this summer for these heart-stopping productions.

Go see Sport for Jove's Summer Season - Old Government House, Parramatta Park 2020.

Sport for Jove's Summer Season - Old Government House, Parramatta Park 2020 | What's on in Parramatta

Sport for Jove's Summer Season - Old Government House, Parramatta Park 2020 is on 02 February 2020 - 01 March 2020. The opening hours are: 8:00pm to 10:30pm. Conveniently located in Parramatta. Visit their website at

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Event Details

what: Sport for Jove's Summer Season - Old Government House, Parramatta Park 2020
when: 02 February 2020 - 01 March 2020
start time/end time: 8:00pm to 10:30pm
venue: Old Government House
city/suburb: Parramatta NSW

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