when: 22 November 2019 - 01 November 2020 | venue: Sydney | cost: Per team: $55.00 | address: Sydney CBD George Street, Sydney
published: 27 Nov 2019, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
Solve a series of challenging clues that guide you around the city of Sydney, whilst seeing major attractions and a side to the city that you might not normally see.
Take your time and enjoy the sights or try and get yourself on the leader board with the fastest time.
It's simple, check out our list of trails and select the one you want. There are no time limits, so you can take the challenge any time in the future. The trails are all 'device' led i.e. smartphone, tablet, kindle, etc. so that is all you will need apart from family or friends and some brain power.
3 trails available in Sydney, see website for details.
Content from UpNext.com.au. Please don't scrape website.
Solve a series of challenging clues that guide you around the city of Sydney, whilst seeing major attractions and a side to the city that you might not normally see.
Take your time and enjoy the sights or try and get yourself on the leader board with the fastest time.
It's simple, check out our list of trails and select the one you want. There are no time limits, so you can take the challenge any time in the future. The trails are all 'device' led i.e. smartphone, tablet, kindle, etc. so that is all you will need apart from family or friends and some brain power.
3 trails available in Sydney, see website for details.
Go see Trixity trails.
Trixity trails is on 22 November 2019 - 01 November 2020. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Sydney.
Are we missing something? Help us improve this article. Reach out to us.
Event Details
Friday 22 November 2019 to Sunday 1 November 2020
Friday 22 November 2019 to Sunday 1 November 2020
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