World Mental Health Day 2020

when: 10 October 2020 | | cost: free | website:

published: 02 Oct 2020, 5 min read

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Sat 10 October 2020 marks Mental Health Month for the whole of October and World Mental Health Day on the 10th. It goes without saying that looking after your mental health is so important not just now, but for the years ahead. It might seem hard to focus on mental health and wellbeing when there's so much that distracts us, but prioritising this is more important than ever. Making a mental health promise is a great way to remind yourself to look after your wellbeing.

Beyond Blue is a great resource for those needing help. With a record 3 million Australians living with anxiety or depression, they provide information and support to help everyone achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age, wherever they are. They are the lifeline to connect to when you have a mental health issue. Currently, they have a few innovative ideas put into practice to highlight the importance of mental health and wellbeing, especially now while we are all living in lockdown.

They have partnered with Australia Post to champion mental health. The partnership seeks to make mental health and wellbeing part of everyday conversations and connect people to the support and information available through Beyond Blue. Australia Post's vast network allows them to take the message of mental health into more communities and encourage discussions that support mental health and wellbeing across Australia. They have released When We Connect, We Feel Better stamps, designed to help you let someone know that you're thinking of them. 

Feel free to download the Mental Health Month Calendar HERE that reminds us how to connect with others, have a bit of fun, and look after your mental health, with a focus on October, mental health month. Fast on the heels of mental health month is Psychology Week; 8-14 Nov 2020. Find out more here, along with a handy section where you can find access to thousands of psychologists across Australia Keep remembering to ask your friends and loved ones - R U OK? and remembering that listening, just being present, and caring can be the greatest support you can show someone

Go see World Mental Health Day 2020.

World Mental Health Day 2020 | What's on in Melbourne

World Mental Health Day 2020 is on 10 October 2020. The opening hours are: .. Conveniently located in Melbourne. Visit their website at

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Event Details

what: World Mental Health Day 2020
when: 10 October 2020
start time/end time: .
city/suburb: Melbourne VIC

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