Tag: Kids
Tag: Kids events

School Holidays At The Australian Institute Of Sport 2021
Want to keep your kids active and entertained over the school holidays in a safe environment? School holidays at the Aus...

Sydney youth stamp group workshop 2021
The Sydney Youth Stamp Group ('SYSG') is a voluntary organisation which runs free Workshops for school-aged children eve...

Sweater Curse Push: Pull EP tour 2021
After a sold-out EP launch at The Tivoli- the band will kick off in April stopping in cities Adelaide- Hobart- Melbourne...

Animation and game design camp 2021
Get ready for fun educative journey based on experimentations and creative activities this July!Recommended for kids age...

Get active challenge 2021
Fitbit Australia today announced it has teamed up with SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium for a fun and exclusive 'Get Active Chal...

acreLand 2021
Relax in our lush garden setting- touch and smell the produce growing around you- visit our resident chickens and enjoy ...

Andy Clockwise + Lord Fascinator + Special Guests 2021
Andy Clockwise and his band are returning to Sydney for a special one-off show at the Lansdowne Hotel on March 31st.Door...
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