Upnext Team

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Upnext Team events

Our after school program is designed for children to have fun while exploring a variety of art styles and materials. Whe...


After School Art Class 2023

Our after school program is designed for children to have fun while exploring a variety of art styles and materials. Whe...

Bilingual Rhymetime is a fun interactive session for 0 to 2 year olds and their carers. Songs and rhymes sung in Mandari...


Bilingual Rhymetime @ Darling Square, 0 to 2 years 2023

Bilingual Rhymetime is a fun interactive session for 0 to 2 year olds and their carers. Songs and rhymes sung in Mandari...

Gil's creative interests, pursued throughout his adult life in the time available alongside - sometimes instead of - his...


Our Gil 2023

Gil's creative interests, pursued throughout his adult life in the time available alongside - sometimes instead of - his...

The life of a boxer.Join us for our Limited Screenings of Martin Scorsese Academy-Award Winning RAGING BULL - 4K RESTORA...


Raging Bull - 4K Restoration - Limited Screenings 2023

The life of a boxer.Join us for our Limited Screenings of Martin Scorsese Academy-Award Winning RAGING BULL - 4K RESTORA...


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