Category: Free Things To Do
Category: Free Things To Do events

The Princess, The Pea and The Brave Escapee - Australian Chamber Orchestra 2023
There is the fairy tale you know and love, a Princess, her very particular Prince, and the pea that made her famous

Australian Chopin Festival '23 - Masterclasses 2023
Bringing the best of Chopin tuition in the world to Australia to connect pianists and music lovers directly to this magnificent tradition.

Rosieville 2023
"Every Night, Same Time, Same Pigeon Crash Lands In My Room. At First I Think It's Dead, But Then It Starts Talking. In Perfect English. And It Has A Helmet On."

Board Games at The Lost Dice - WellFest Adelaide 2023
Interested in exploring how to play board games in a dynamic environment? Looking to make new friends who share in your passion to play?

Googong's Rural Fire Service Open Day 2023
For the first time since the pandemic, Googong's annual Rural Fire Service Open Day is back, bringing fun-filled entertainment and offering fire safety education for the whole family.

Free Mock Selective Test Day for Y4 and 5 students 2023
Get a free assessment of your child's Reading, Mathematical Reasoning and Thinking Skills for the Selective School Placement Test.

Free Mock OC Test Day for Year 2 and 3 students 2023
Is your child preparing for the Opportunity Class? Receive a free assessment of your child's OC exam readiness.
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