when: 31 August 2024 | venue: Upstaires Moss Studios | cost: $75.00 | address: 101 Evans Street | website: https://www.meditateinmelbourne.org/ | tickets: https://www.meditateinmelbourne.org/
published: 16 Aug 2024, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
Rarely do we examine the world around us in ways that increase our wisdom and peace. For instance, when things go wrong in our life and in our world, we simply regard the situation itself as the problem, and respond with fear, anxiety and even anger.
Buddha revealed something very important: he explained that the essence of all human problems is part of the mind that experiences painful feelings. He explained how to stabilise and ultimately dissolve away these feelings, leaving only inner peace and happiness.
On this course, learn these techniques for yourself and be guided in meditation to increasing levels of inner peace and happiness. The ability to experience peace in the face of adversity is the very art of acceptance and ultimately liberates us from all suffering.
The teacher of this event is Colleen Isaacs. Colleen is a Kadampa Buddhist teacher. Colleen's friendly, engaging teaching style and clear presentation inspire people from all walks of life to find happiness and solve problems through the practice of modern Buddhism.
Everyone welcome
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Rarely do we examine the world around us in ways that increase our wisdom and peace. For instance, when things go wrong in our life and in our world, we simply regard the situation itself as the problem, and respond with fear, anxiety and even anger.
Buddha revealed something very important: he explained that the essence of all human problems is part of the mind that experiences painful feelings. He explained how to stabilise and ultimately dissolve away these feelings, leaving only inner peace and happiness.
On this course, learn these techniques for yourself and be guided in meditation to increasing levels of inner peace and happiness. The ability to experience peace in the face of adversity is the very art of acceptance and ultimately liberates us from all suffering.
The teacher of this event is Colleen Isaacs. Colleen is a Kadampa Buddhist teacher. Colleen's friendly, engaging teaching style and clear presentation inspire people from all walks of life to find happiness and solve problems through the practice of modern Buddhism.
Everyone welcome
Go see How to Stay Strong When Things go Wrong 2024.
How to Stay Strong When Things go Wrong 2024 is on 31 August 2024. The opening hours are: 10.30AM - 3.15PM. Conveniently located in Brunswick. Call 0455 205 589 for details. Visit their website at https://www.meditateinmelbourne.org/.
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