Wilbur the Optical Whale 2023

when: 29 - 30 September 2023 | venue: ARA Darling Quarter Theatre | cost: $24.20 | address: 1-25 Harbour St, Sydney NSW 2000 | website: https://sydneyfringe.com/events/wilbur-the-optical-whale/ | tickets: https://sydneyfringe.com/events/wilbur-the-optical-whale/

published: 17 Aug 2023, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Based on the book by Karen Lee Roberts, Wilbur the Optical Whale is an enchanting story set under the sea where children are taken on an immersive journey to engage with the environment around them.

Wilbur and Cecil are the best of friends. One day while playing hide and seaweed, they are set upon by the Starfish Meanie Gang! How do they get out of this one? Join Wilbur and Cecil to help them on their quest!

Using alternative storytelling methods including interactive media with integrated Auslan, circus, music, movement and spoken word, this heartwarming production delivers a strong anti-bullying message and promotes acceptance. This multiple award-winning show is a delight for the whole family.

Wilbur the Optical Whale is accessible to all audiences. Performances feature integrated Auslan and headphones are available for audience members to engage on their own terms. The set also includes a quiet space as part of relaxed performance mode for those who require it.

Wilbur the Optical Whale is a collaboration with Flipside Circus.

indelabilityarts is a Brisbane-based theatre company that provides artistic opportunities to disabled and neurodivergent artists.

Go see Wilbur the Optical Whale 2023.

Wilbur the Optical Whale 2023 | What's on in Sydney
Image by: Nick Morrissey Photographer

Wilbur the Optical Whale 2023 is on 29 - 30 September 2023. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Sydney. Call (02) 8624 9340 for details. Visit their website at https://sydneyfringe.com/events/wilbur-the-optical-whale/.

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Event Details

what: Wilbur the Optical Whale 2023
when: 29 - 30 September 2023
venue: ARA Darling Quarter Theatre
phone: (02) 8624 9340
city/suburb: Sydney NSW

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A fully immersive, interactive and accessible children's production about friendship and celebrating difference.


Wilbur the Optical Whale 2023

A fully immersive, interactive and accessible children's production about friendship and celebrating difference.


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