Tag: Festival
Tag: Festival events

Kumangka Palti Yarta - Welcome Ceremony 2023
To mark the imminent opening of the 2023 festival, Adelaide Fringe invites you to join the Welcome Ceremony at the beautiful Adelaide Botanic Gardens on Sunday 12 February.

100 Climate Conversations: Vivian Tam 2023
A key ingredient of concrete and the foundation of much of modern society, cement production accounts for 8 per cent of ...

Flavours from the Fire: Mopoke Festival 2023
Experience BBQ redefined with unexpected flavours from the fire and plunge into an extraordinary dining experience as de...

Amazonite Lunar New Year Flash Mob 2023
A music flash mob played by the Amazonite Fusion Ensemble set in the QVB forecourt, featuring the Pipa (Chinese Lute), p...

Art decoder and the migration story 2023
Explore your personal story through an experimental artmaking workshop with Tym Yee.This socially engaged workshop inves...

Art fair & hands-on workshops at The Hyde Park Barracks 2023
Meet some of Sydney's best artists and connect with art through creative hands-on workshops! 22 artists who defy creativ...

The Waterfront Festival 2023
The Waterfront Festival is an epic summer celebration held in February, which kick-starts the City's annual event calendar.
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