Tag: Games

Tag: Games events

Trinity School for Seniors (TSFS), which is one of Perth's best kept secrets amongst the senior community of Perth, is e...


TSFS Art & Craft Exhibition 2021

Trinity School for Seniors (TSFS), which is one of Perth's best kept secrets amongst the senior community of Perth, is e...

If you log into a Zoom today- you're in for a big surprise! If you log into a Zoom today we want you to come in disguise...


Year K-2 teddy bear's picnic drama workshop 2021

If you log into a Zoom today- you're in for a big surprise! If you log into a Zoom today we want you to come in disguise...

What will you be when you wake up today? Will you be a cat or a crocodile? What about a witch or a werewolf? In a drama ...


Year K-2 today I am a... drama workshop 2021

What will you be when you wake up today? Will you be a cat or a crocodile? What about a witch or a werewolf? In a drama ...

Experience the energy of Afrodance. Performed with upbeat music from Mama Africa, the West Indies and the Caribbean such as Afropop/Afrobeats, Ndombolo, socca and kompa.


Musica Lets Dance! Kwabo AfroParty 2021

Experience the energy of Afrodance. Performed with upbeat music from Mama Africa, the West Indies and the Caribbean such as Afropop/Afrobeats, Ndombolo, socca and kompa.

The West Coast Pinball Festival is a fun community event held over 3-days in Perth, Western Australia focused on sharing the joy of playing pinball.


West Coast Pinball Festival 2021

The West Coast Pinball Festival is a fun community event held over 3-days in Perth, Western Australia focused on sharing the joy of playing pinball.

The countdown is on to the 2021 Australian Masters Games, which takes place in Perth from Saturday 9 October to Saturday...


2021 Australian Masters Games

The countdown is on to the 2021 Australian Masters Games, which takes place in Perth from Saturday 9 October to Saturday...

Fairy, Fairy in the garden, will you come tonight? Come and help us find the fairies at the bottom of the garden!


Frolicking Fairies 2021

Fairy, Fairy in the garden, will you come tonight? Come and help us find the fairies at the bottom of the garden!

For the first time in Olympic Games history- Israel has sent a baseball team to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.The inspira...


Heading Home: The tale of team Israel 2021

For the first time in Olympic Games history- Israel has sent a baseball team to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.The inspira...

Mums & Dads- Make Music Morning Online is the perfect way to start your Saturday morning. Relax and watch your kids be i...


Make Music Morning Online - Kids 0-7 Years 2021

Mums & Dads- Make Music Morning Online is the perfect way to start your Saturday morning. Relax and watch your kids be i...

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