Tag: Poetry
Tag: Poetry events
Elham Eshraghian-Haakansson: Virtual Architecture of Empathy 2023
In her powerful virtual reality (VR) work, Virtual Architecture of Empathy, Iranian-Australian artist Elham Eshraghian-H...
Saturday writing workshops at writing NSW 2023
Writing NSW is the state's leading provider of services to writers, including courses, seminars and workshops.Throughout...
2023 Perth Poetry Festival
WA Poets Inc (WAPoets) is presenting a 9-day poetry Perth Poetry Festival (PPF2023) in September.With an emphasis on div...
Catherine at Avignon 2023
Strange time. Strange place. Strangely familiar.In a world of corruption, decadence and intrigue, a lone woman confronts...
Romeo and Juliet for Young Audiences 2023
Thou can'st not speak of that thou dost not feel...'It takes a village to kill a child.Experience a brand new productio...
Nangamay Mana Djurali: First Nations LGBTQIA+ Poetry 2023
Join us this Australian Poetry Month at a two-part event from a ground-breaking collection of First Nations Australia LG...
Poetry Month: Rise! Voices and Hands! 2023
A city stands on ancestral landsYagu, winima~ Joel Davison from 'My City'Rise! Voices and Hands! is a public artwork act...
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