Category: School
Category: School events

Sticky Fingers 2023
Music illuminates even the darkest moments. Just when you need it the most, a song lets in a sliver of light. It doesn't...

Beginner ukulele class 2023
Are you keen to learn how to the play the ukulele? Join this fun class led by an experienced volunteer tutor in Mandarin...

Teenage Dick Premieres at Sydney's Flight Path Theatre 2023
Is it better to be loved or feared? What depths would you plumb to reach the top? And is disability a get-out-of-gaol-fr...

Winter School Holidays At The Maritime Museum 2023
Winter School Holidays At The Maritime Museum 2023

Pumphouse Sydney's Alpine Pop-up 2023
Pumphouse Sydney's Alpine Pop-up 2023

Frozen Themed Hair Braiding 2023
Frozen Themed Hair Braiding 2023
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